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The Economics of AristoWood (TM)
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This table compares the costs of using three different materials and methods to build the same product: a white mailbox, 18 x 12 x 12 inches. This is a project that a typical "do-it-yourselfer" could accomplish.

In all cases shown, the labor rate is arbitrary but consistent. It is not realistic to assume a labor cost of zero, since the lost opportunity of doing another project instead of this one translates into cost.

The bottom line: Although AristoWood has the highest base material cost, when all project costs are factored in it becomes the most cost-effective solution. For example, AristoWood can allow you to save 75% in your annual cost of ownership.

NOTE: All three materials are commercially available, 1x6-inch "tongue-and-groove" profiles. Amount used in each case: 17 feet.
AristoWood™ Pine Cedar
Base material cost: $33.32 $12.00 $17.00
Fastening material cost: $1.00
(PVC cement)
(Glue & alu. nails)
(Glue & SS screws)
Painting material cost: ZERO
(Colorant in base material)
(Paint, sandpaper, wood filler)
(Fast-dry paint, sandpaper, wood filler)
Material cost at installation: $34.32 $20.00 $28.00
NOTE: The rate assumed for all labor is $12/hour.
Material cutting labor $6.00 $6.00 $6.00
Assembly labor: $5.00 $6.00 $6.00
Painting finishing labor: ZERO $12.00 $12.00
Clean-up labor: $1.00 $3.00 $3.00
Labor cost at installation: $12.00 $27.00 $28.00

TOTAL COST at installation: $46.32 $47.00 $55.00

Elapsed time (from start to finish, including waiting): 1 hour 6–8 hours 4 hours
Expected life (if maintained): 20–25+ years 7–8 years 10–12 years
Maintenance cost (during exposed life): $12.00
(Clean 5 times)
(Repaint once. Labor, $24. Materials, $7)
(Repaint twice. Labor, $48. Materials, $20)

TOTAL LIFECYCLE COST: $58.32 $78.00 $123.00
Annual cost of ownership: $2.50–3/year $10–12/year $10–12/year

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